If Clause (Type 3) Konu Anlatımı

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If Clause (Type 3) Konu Anlatımı

If Clause konusunun ikinci bölümünü bu derste öğreneceksiniz. Devamı için diğer If Clause derslerini de mutlaka izleyin.

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Etkinlik cevapları :

1) If I hadn’t broken (not brake) my leg, I would have played football.
2) If the students had listened (listen) to the teacher carefully, they would have passed the exam.
3) He would have called (call) Aslı if he had known her phone number.
4) If I had had (have) more free time, I would have taken up a hobby.
5) If I hadn’t used the map, I would have got (get) lost.
6) If she had talked (talk) to me, I would have listened to her.
7) If the COVID-19 pandemic hadn’t spread all around the world , thousands of people wouldn’t have died (not die) last year.

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